The Oily Mommy On YouTube

Some people will make you laugh-sorry but I’m not that person. (Though I enjoy a good belly laugh)
Some will be your coach- again, that’s not me.
Others will be your guru, cheerleader or guide;
While more still will try to lead you and teach you and tell you what you should be- still not me.
So who do I want to be in your life? Im so glad you asked. 😉
I want to be beside you; To be real with you.
To be that person that says I know life is complicated and messy and scary and HARD but I’m here, I’m your friend, I know what your going through and I get you.
I can be that person because that’s who I am. I’m real and raw and messy and honest and I cry sometimes (or lots of times) and I laugh so hard I involuntarily snort and lots of times I feel overwhelmed and sad and scared and excited and bored and ..... all at the same time.
But I’m still here. I’m still standing- and that’s how I know you CAN and you will too. So take off your bra, pour your biggest glass of whatever you like and let’s hang out. Who knows what we might discover on this path.
Oh yeah- and I’m launching my first ever official #YouTube channel so that way we can have a place to connect. Why are you still reading this? Go follow the link in my bio and subscribe! I will meet you there 💕